New York Style Bagels Recipe


2 teaspoons active dry yeast
1 ½ tablespoons granulated sugar
1 ¼ cups warm water (you may need a bit more)
3 ½ cups (500g) bread flour or high gluten flour (all-purpose can also work in a pinch)
1 ½ teaspoons salt

  1. Pour ½ cup warm water, yeast, and sugar into the bowl of a stand mixer and let it sit 5 minutes.
  2. Add in flour, salt, and most of the remaining warm water. Depending on humidity and the region where you live, you may need all the water. We're looking to make a firm dough that's not at all sticky. Knead the dough using the dough hook attachment for 10 minutes on low speed. When it's finished, the dough shouldn't stick to the bowl and should be smooth.
  3. Remove the dough hook and cover the bowl for 1 hour to rise.
  4. Preheat oven to 425° F and put a large pot of water on to boil. You'll need about 5 inches of water.
  5. Punch down dough and let it rest 10 minutes.
  6. Divide the dough in half, and then each half into fourths. You'll have 8 dough balls.
  7. On a lightly floured countertop ( I don't usually even need to flour mine) roll each dough into a tight ball. Check this video tutorial for help, if necessary.
  8. With a floured thumb, jab a hole into the middle of each ball and stretch the dough until the hold is about twice the width of the thickness of the bagel, about 1½ inches in diameter. Shape all bagels and then add as many will fit comfortably into your pot of gently boiling water. Boil bagels for 1-2 minutes on each side. The longer the boil, the chewier the bagel. Use the handle of a wooden spoon to flip the bagels in the water.
  9. Remove bagels and place on a greased or silicon-lined baking sheet. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until golden. Cool completely before slicing, toasting, and chowing down.

You can top these bagels with all kinds of gourmet toppings, even make them into an “everything bagel.” Brush them with egg white after boiling and right before they go in the oven and sprinkle on the goodies you crave. Just don’t try colored sprinkles. Fail.

Original recipe visit: New York Style Bagels @

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